Monday, December 3, 2007


My older brother told me that, "All the companies are doing it. Enron just got caught." I think that's a little extreme to say, but I do believe "small" under the table business transactions do happen. Maybe these transactions don't happen on the big national scale that the Crooked E did but nonetheless these actions are still unethical.

I think a PR Professional, or any professional, has to really sit down and ask themselves, "What would I do in that situation?"

It's hard to be a whistle blower but even in the case of Enron, there were people aware, but chose not to say anything.

Thousands of professionals lost everything due to the standards of this company. It was like a buy all the booze now party and worry about paying for it later type case.

My Human Resource professor said that we have to responsible advocates for being ethical professionals by researching the company before we join. Sometimes this is difficult because some of the inner workings of a company can't be revealed immediately. But I do agree that it maybe it will take six months to a year to figure out what a company is really about.

Any job is worth taking lower pay if it means that the job is clean.

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